Week 2: Strike the Match

This week we’ll keep things simpler. A few of you commented something each day was a lot, so we’ll try just one post this week. Come back and review, maybe answer another question along the way (there will be a few at the end, and we’ll see how it goes.

Session 2: Strike the Match

Christians are a part of the same church that began on the day of Pentecost, called to spread the story of Jesus around the world.

Acts 2:1–13, 37–47; 5:33–42. Watch Session 2

The courage and power we see on the Day of Pentecost lead the church to grow from one hundred twenty people to over three thousand in a matter of hours. This group quickly becomes a close-knit community.

  • What events in your life have confirmed the truth of the gospel?

There is a lot to admire about the early church. Their generosity and hospitality alone set a high bar for every church community today.

  • In what ways is your church community marked by the early church’s heart and habits? What could it look like for you and your group to practice imitating early church?

Peter and John, like Jesus, addressed the lame man’s spiritual needs and physical needs. Even though they did not have any money, which the man asked for, they were able to help him in a way that changed his life and led to rejoicing.

  • Think of the people in need in your community. In what ways can you serve their spiritual and physical needs so that they walk away from you rejoicing in Jesus, first and foremost?

The Jewish authorities were threatened by Peter and John, jailing them for spreading the message of Jesus. It is important to note that they were opposed to their message, not their character. The authorities jailed Peter and John because they were teaching people about Jesus.

Feel free to comment with your answers to each question in bold above. We’d love to hear from you!

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